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On July 30, 2023, Brother Bill McElfish, departed this earthly life and was reunited with his late son, Brother Scott A. McElfish.

William McElfish, known to many as “Mac”, was quite literally born into the life of law enforcement. Surrounded by a family of state troopers, it was a great possibility that he would become one himself, but his father wouldn’t allow it… So, on June 5, 1967, the Baltimore County Police Department had the pleasure of welcoming William O. McElfish, III, to the force.

Right out of the academy, Mac worked out of the old Edgemere Station and then for a brief time in CID, but he quickly realized he didn’t like it there very much… From that moment on, Mac would spend the remainder of his 34-year career at Precinct 11 Essex and acquire the nickname “The Legend”.

If you asked someone, “Who was Sergeant William McElfish?” I’m certain you’d be told a million funny stories. You’d hear that he was the best Sergeant in Essex, a “311 forever”, and that “you didn’t have to work for him to know his value”. You’d hear of his love of sports, all of them, and how much he adored his wife, children, and grandchildren. And you will undoubtedly hear of the passion and love he not only had for this tough job, but for his family in blue.

What Mac probably didn’t know was that the summer of 1967 was the beginning of a family legacy that would continue to serve the communities of Baltimore County, through his children Sgt. Scott McElfish and Ofc. Shawn “Spike” McElfish, and grandson Cpl. Nick McElfish, as well as the communities of Ocean City, MD, through his grandchildren Officer Patrick and Jack McElfish (OCPD).

A Memorial Mass will be held on Friday, August 25, 2023, at 10:00 AM at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Church, located at 1704 Old Eastern Ave., Baltimore MD 21221, with a celebration of life to follow at the Hawks Pleasure Club, located at 430 Riverside Dr., Essex MD 21221.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his name to the Baltimore County Police Assistance and Relief Fund, using the link BCoPARFund, or mailing a check made out to:

Baltimore County PAR Fund

700 E Joppa Rd, Towson MD 21286

(Obituary courtesy of Ms. Alaina DeLucia)


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