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Property Tax Credit Disabled Law Enforcement Officers or Rescue Workers

Baltimore County Council Bill #109-08

On November 3, 2008, the members of the Baltimore County Council unanimously approved a property tax credit for those officers who sustained work-related injuries that forced them to retire on a medical disability.

Retiree Eligibility

Baltimore County public safety retirees who are disabled because of a line of duty injury and are currently residing in Baltimore County are eligible for a property tax exemption starting July 1, 2009.

  • Applications are available and are provided by the Office of Budget and Finance – Tax Payer Services.
  • Inquiries: Baltimore County Office of Budget and Finance – Email: or call 410-887-2872. Applicants can send an email with their name address and telephone number to verify eligibility and a request to be mailed the necessary paperwork for the credit.

Contact the Office of Budget & Finance