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Brother Bob Pemberton passed away on October 30, 2023, at the age of 67.

Born in a Naval hospital in Queens, Bob Jr’s journey began in the bustling city, but he soon found his home on Long Island, New York. He was the son of a Nassau County Police Officer, a role model who undoubtedly influenced the path he would follow. Bob’s dedication to law enforcement would shape his life in profound ways. He pursued his passion for justice and earned both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Criminal Justice, always cherishing the noble ideals symbolized by the badge. His belief in the importance of upholding the law would become a driving force throughout his life.

On March 31, 1980, he joined the Baltimore County Police Department as a member of the 58th Academy Recruit class. Even during his time in the Academy, his love for physical fitness, particularly running, was evident. Bob was not just a participant; he was a leader. He would lead daily three-mile runs, inspiring his fellow recruits to push their limits. His dedication to running mirrored his approach to life, filled with endurance and a relentless spirit.

Tragedy struck one day when Bob, off duty, was the victim of a drunk driving accident that crushed both of his legs. However, the setback did not deter him. His determination to return to the pavement and continue running was unwavering. With strength and resilience, he overcame his injuries, getting back to the sport he loved. Running remained an integral part of his life, and he channeled his passion into organizing and participating in Police Memorial races across the country, honoring those who had given their all in the line of duty.

For the majority of his career, Bob served the community at Precinct 11/Essex, where he retired as a Sergeant on November 5, 2011, with over 34 years of service. After retiring from BCoPD, Bob briefly served with the MD State Capital Police, but soon found his calling as a public relations professional at the Maryland House; a role that allowed him to connect with people from all walks of life, including those from his hometown in New York. Bob cherished these interactions, maintaining strong ties with his family and staying close to his roots.

Bob was a people person at heart—kind, generous, and unwaveringly loyal. He had an enduring love for his brothers and sisters in blue, as well as serving the community, so in addition to his service in Maryland, Bob ventured beyond U.S. borders to serve as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). In this role, he contributed to law enforcement and public safety efforts in Canada, wholeheartedly embracing community policing.

Bob Pemberton, Jr., was not only recognized as a dedicated officer but as an exceptional human being whose legacy lives on through his brothers, Brian and John, as well as his niece and nephew. His memory will be cherished and his absence deeply felt by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

A celebration of life is being planned in Bob’s honor to occur in Maryland at a later date. Further information will be shared once arrangements have been finalized.


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