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Lifelong Resident of Carnegie Plat, Franklin E. Pugh passed away February 22, 2024 peacefully at his home in Dundalk, MD surrounded by his family.

Frank was born to the late Raymond and Mae Pugh on June 8, 1946 in Bluefield, West Virginia. Him and his family moved to Dundalk when he was just 2 years old, making a home in Carnegie Plat. Frank attended Dundalk High School and enlisted in 1963, his senior year, into the United States Marine Corps. He proudly served 4 years and is a Vietnam War Veteran.

Upon honorable discharge he became a Baltimore County Police Officer. He served 23 years until retiring with the rank of Sergeant.

Frank enjoyed his family, his breakfast foods, his annual Christmas train garden, Nascar and running a family business, Bernie and Franks small engine repair, for 20+ years.

Frank was faithful and proud of his relationship to Bethel Assembly of God in Edgemere where he loved to spend time with his Bethel family and friends. He loved spreading the word of God to everyone.

Frank was predeceased by his wife of 58 years, Catherine Ann “Toot” and his sisters Dorothy and Alta. Survived by his daughters and their husbands Kimberly And Vernon Holt Jr., Michelle and Thomas Ludwig Sr., and Nicole and William Jantzen. Loving Grandfather to Kenneth Holt and his wife Angela, Thomas Ludwig Jr and William Jantzen. Proud great grandfather to Dylan Holt and Levi Holt. Also survived by many loving cousins, nieces and nephews.

As we come together to celebrate Frank’s life and legacy, we invite friends and family to join us for the funeral services in honor of his memory.

A public viewing will be held at Connelly Funeral Home of Dundalk, 7110 Sollers Point Road, on Sunday March 3, 2024, from 2:00-4:00 pm and 6:00-8:00 pm.

A funeral service will be held at the funeral home on Monday, March 4, 2024, beginning at 10:00 am. Interment to follow at Oak Lawn Cemetery, 7225 Eastern Avenue.

Frank’s spirit will continue to live on through the memories he created with his loved ones and the impact he made on all those who had the privilege of knowing him. He will be deeply missed but forever cherished in our hearts. Rest in peace, Frank. Your legacy of love and dedication will endure for generations to come.



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