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Brother Howard James Wyant #1533 passed away peacefully on January 7, 2024, his 81st birthday.

As Howard J. Wyant stepped into adulthood, he did so with a sense of duty by dedicating a significant chapter of his life to the U.S. Army; a commitment that endured even after the echoes of war had subsided. On February 15, 1969, Howard Wyant embarked on a new chapter of his life, commencing his career with the Baltimore County Police Department and patrolling the familiar territory of the Eastside in Essex and Dundalk.

On January 11, 1975, Officer Wyant was assigned to the Concentrated Crimes Reduction Unit (CCRD), a federally subsidized unit stationed in Essex. The CCRD, affectionately known as the “CRUD” squad, had a specific task of investigating numerous burglaries, break-ins, and other related criminal activities occurring in the Essex area. The CRUD squad worked tirelessly for several years, solving cases one by one. Their dedication was recognized in May of 1977 when former County Executive Theodore Venetoulis presented them with awards for their outstanding achievements. A month later, on June 4, 1977, the allocated grant funds for the CCRD ran out, leading Officer Wyant to join his most favored assignment—the Marine Unit.

Howard Wyant had a connection to the water, making the Marine team a perfect match. While living in Dundalk, he shared the joy of crabbing, fishing, and sailing the waterways of Bear Creek with his two daughters, though his favorite spot belonged to a special place, now known as Hart Miller Island. Right after the dike was dredged, he and his Uncle Jack went on a memorable crabbing adventure, boasting of catching the biggest crabs they had ever seen – a story that he would go on to recount for decades. Officer Wyant continued to chart the waves, safeguarding lives, and extending a helping hand (tow) even to familiar faces, until he gracefully sailed into retirement on January 31, 1992, concluding a 23-year career in service to Baltimore County, Maryland.

Just as the tides changed, so did his surroundings, and Howard relocated to Virginia where he wholeheartedly embraced the sturdy grounds of his expansive 11-acre property. He immersed himself in the art of woodworking, hunting, ventured on scenic hikes, and reveled in the thrill of riding his four-wheelers through the picturesque terrain. Every family visit became an opportunity to craft new memories amidst the scenic countryside; memories that would be cherished forever by his two daughters, six grandchildren, and four great grandchildren.

Our sincerest condolences to the Wyant family.

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