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Brother James William Buckingham, Jr., 53, of Hampstead, MD, passed away suddenly on Sunday, November 26, 2023, at Carroll Hospital Center in Westminster, MD.  Born on October 24, 1970, in Baltimore, MD, Jim was the beloved son of James William Buckingham, Sr. and Sandra Stigler. He was a devoted husband, father, friend, and community member.

Jim dedicated his life to law enforcement. He was  a well-respected member of the Baltimore County Police Department with 28 years of service.  He was active in the Manchester Volunteer Fire Department and served as Assistant Scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 665.  Jim coached baseball for the Manchester Recreational league and was a NASCAR and local dirt track racing enthusiast.

Surviving in addition to his parents are his wife, Kelly Buckingham, sons, Matthew and Michael Buckingham, and sister, Jennifer Nesselroad as well as numerous family and friends.

The family will receive visitors on Thursday, November 30, 3-5 and 7-9, with a memorial service at 4:30, at the ECKHARDT FUNERAL CHAPEL, P.A., 3296 Charmil Drive, Manchester, MD 21102.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Manchester Volunteer Fire Department  or the Baltimore County Police Assistance and Relief Fund

Online condolences may be offered at

James William Buckingham, Jr.

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