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Johnathan Pitts

Baltimore Sun

January 12, 2024

Police were cordoning off a five-block area in Southeast Baltimore Friday night after a fatal shooting and a car chase that led to a collision between a police vehicle and a fleeing van.

Officers from the Southern District of Baltimore Police were dispatched to an address in the 800 block of Washington Boulevard at 4:15 p.m. Friday following reports of a shooting. A shot spotter alert had indicated five shots were fired, police said.

Arriving officers found an unidentified man who was suffering from gunshot wounds to the head, according to a police statement. He was rushed to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, where medical personnel pronounced him dead.

At about 5:15 p.m., officers on the scene spotted a silver Honda Odyssey that appeared to be fleeing the scene and gave chase. A mile and a half later, the van collided with a police vehicle, then a guard rail, before coming to a stop near the intersection of South Monroe Street and Annapolis Road. Officers proceeded to question the occupants of the van.

As of 6 p.m., a cluster of police vehicles blocked Scott Street at Washington Boulevard, their lights flashing, cutting off southbound traffic to Carroll Street, and more vehicles blocked off Carroll Street between Scott and West Barre.

Two crime-scene cars were among those on Washington Boulevard, and an ambulance was parked in front of a rowhouse on Carroll Street, all within the area marked off by yellow police tape. Homicide detectives were in charge of the scene.

Anyone with information on the shooting is urged to contact homicide detectives at 410-396-2100.Those who wish to remain anonymous may utilize the Metro Crime Stoppers tip line, at 1-866-7LOCKUP or anonymously text a tip by visiting the Metro Crime Stoppers of Maryland website.

A police spokeswoman declined to offer further details.


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