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It is with a heavy heart that the Lodge announces the passing of Carli Lehmann, the Step-Daughter of Brother Bill Lally. Carli passed away unexpectedly on February 24th at her home.

The family will welcome visitors at Evans Funeral Chapel, 8800 Harford Rd in Parkville, MD 21234.

Visitation will be Wednesday, February 28th, 1:00pm – 3:00pm and 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

Internment will be private.

Please keep the Lally Family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Carli Raven Lehmann, 27, of Hereford, MD, beloved fiancé, daughter, sister, Christian, pharmacist, photographer and friend, died on February 24th in Elkridge, MD. Cause of death is unknown at this time.

Carli was born in Clovis, New Mexico on September 27th, 1996. She grew up in New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska and Maryland.

She graduated from Hereford High School in 2014 where she excelled in photography, field hockey, cross country and academics. Her first job was at Wegmans where she made sport of seeing how fast she could scan groceries.

She then went on to graduate from Wingate University in 2020 in Matthews, North Carolina with her Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Her diligence in her studies and hard work allowed her an early acceptance into Pharmacy School and she was able to graduate through an accelerated program at the early age of 23. It was here Carli also met her best friend Emma Clark. These young women were two peas in a pod.

After graduating from Wingate, Carli moved back to Maryland to work as a pharmacist specializing in compounding. She was the go-to for all things pharmacy by customers, coworkers and her family. She was always requested by name to be the one to give immunizations to families and children when the seasons came around.

She met her fiancé Alex in 2021 and their love had grown to a depth that knew no bounds. The two became engaged at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens and were set to be married on October 27th, 2024 at The Tannery Barn in Taneytown, MD.

In general, Carli aka car, carkeys, carbear, peanut – was one of the kindest souls on this earth. She was intentional about reaching out to her friends and family to ask how everyone was doing. She laughed freely and often. She had a unique eye for fashion, photography, art and jewelry. She loved traveling to new places and her favorite flower was the sunflower. Painting was one of her favorite pastimes.

Her favorite hour of the day was “The Golden Hour”- when the sunset created a beautiful golden glow.

She wore her favorite bible verse proudly with a “Galatians 2:20” tattoo on her arm:  

My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Carli is survived by her father Timothy Lehmann, mother and stepfather Cheri and William Lally, her fiancé Alexander Menke, her sisters Jordana Lehmann, Chelsie Jones and her husband Matthew Jones, her brother Nicolas Mosquera, her nieces Millie and Emmie, her grandparents James Steffensmeier and Susan Hill as well as many aunts, uncles and cousins. She is preceded in death by her grandparents Carl and Ruth Lehmann.

Family and friends will honor and celebrate Carli’s life at the Evans Life Celebration Home – Parkville, 8800 Harford Road, Parkville, MD, with a visitation on Wednesday, February 28th, from 1-3PM & 6-8 PM, where a memorial service will take place at 3PM. Interment to be private. 

In honor of Carli’s style feel free to dress casually and comfortably. 



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