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Mother of Brother Fred Carter.

On June 18, 2024 Dolores “Bookie” Lillian Carter (nee Lignos), age 89, passed away; devoted wife of Frederick Carter Sr.; beloved mother of Donna Walsh and her husband Robert, and Fred Carter Jr. and his wife Lori; loving “Grand-Mom” of Larry, Jackie and Samantha; cherished great “Grand-Mom” of Camille, Carter and Evan; loving daughter of the late Peter Lignos and the late Irene Ligno; dear sister of the late Shirley Skwirut and the late Gloria Lignos. Also survived by other loving relatives and friends.

A Funeral Service will be held at the Connelly Funeral Home of Essex, 300 Mace Avenue on Thursday, June 27th, 2024 at 11 am. Visiting hours will be held on Thursday, June 27th, 2024 from 9 – 11 am.

Interment to follow at Holly Hill Memorial Gardens, 10201 Bird River Rd.
Middle River, MD 21220.


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