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Wife of Brother Jim Chaconas.

Karen Paulette Easterling Chaconas, age 78, of Floresville, Texas went into the loving arms of the Lord on Friday, April 5, 2024. She was born on August 14, 1945 to Edward and Louise Kelly Easterling in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

Karen was loving, caring, kind and compassionate and all who knew her, loved her. She had an unwavering dedication and devotion for her family and friends. Forever loyal and always forgiving. She was always there to help those in need. She had a special place in her heart for all animals and was always ready to take them into her home and her care. She also loved collecting elephants, music (especially her Mario Frangoulis), painting, photography and cooking.

She lived a full life and along the way made many life long friends. After graduation she left Texas and moved to Washington D.C., then New Jersey and back to D.C. It was there that she met and married, “her handsome Greek motorcycle cop”, Jim Chaconas. They ended up in Baltimore, Maryland where they lived for many years and where she started her career as a legal assistant at a law firm. They spent their weekends at the beach in Rehoboth, Delaware where they eventually retired and built a home. Karen had always wanted to move back to Texas to be closer to her family. In 2016 after much persuasion, she convinced Jim to move to Texas where they bought some land, built a home and became “Honorary Texans”.

Karen is preceded in death by her parents, Edward and Louise Easterling.

She is survived by her husband of 49 years, James Chaconas; daughters, Tiffany (Mitch) Wise, Jennifer (Eric) Buckson; siblings, Tom (Anne) Easterling, Debbie (Ross) Cowden, Donna (Johnny) Salazar; fur babies, Sara Lee and Cinnamon; and many nieces and nephews.

“A life so beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered”

May she rest in eternal peace and may her memory live on in the hearts of those who were touched by her life.

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