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Lorraine Mirabella and Dan Belson

Baltimore Sun

January 21, 2024

A 12-hour barricade ended late Saturday in Cockeysville after a person who was parked in a vehicle at an entrance to The Northern Central Railroad Trail “suffered from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound” and died from their injuries, according to police.

Police were called around 9:15 a.m. for a report of a suspicious vehicle in a parking lot off Paper Mill Road at a trail entrance. Officers found a sign in the vehicle’s window that read, “Please don’t look inside. Call police.” Officers set up a perimeter and called in a tactical unit and a crisis negotiation team. Police were in contact with the occupant, who was alone.

At around 9:14 p.m., “the barricade in Cockeysville came to an end,” police said, adding Sunday morning that it had ended with the gunshot.

The incident was the second barricade handled by county police on Saturday.

Earlier, police had resolved a barricade involving a resident in the 4800 block of Grenville Square in Arbutus. Police had alerted residents to expect a police presence in the area. The incident was resolved around 3:05 p.m. after about three hours, police said.


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