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Dan Belson and Tony Roberts

Baltimore Sun

January 9. 2024

Investigators from the Maryland Attorney General’s office were on the scene of a shooting in Pikesville along with Baltimore County Police.

Around 11:25 a.m., officers responded to a 911 call regarding a domestic disturbance involving a man with a gun at a hotel on the 400 block of Reisterstown Road, said Joy Stewart, Baltimore County Police spokesperson, at a news conference Tuesday.

When officers arrived, they were told the man left on foot. As officers searched the area, they found the man with his gun inside the BP gas station on the 500 block of Reisterstown Road, Stewart said.

When officers approached the man in the gas station, he pointed his weapon at the officers, Stewart said. As a response, officers created a barricade outside and waited until he left the gas station, Stewart said.

When the man exited the gas station, he “engaged” the officers, Stewart said at the news conference. Three officers, who were wearing body cameras, fired at the man, and the suspect was shot in turn, Stewart said.

After officers tried to provide medical aid to the man, he was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead, Stewart said. Officer recovered the gun, and there were no officers or bystanders injured from the shooting.

Investigators toiled around a BP gas station on the 500 block of Reisterstown Road, where they placed evidence markers between gas pumps cordoned off by crime scene tape, while more Baltimore County officers blocked off the nearby Howard Johnson by Wyndham hotel. Cars hurried through the rain, beeping at each other as they merged away from cones surrounding the shooting scene.

Additionally, Independent Investigations Division of the Office of the Attorney General will be investigating the shooting, and the officers involved are on administrative leave.


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