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Donald “Rick” Kline, a dedicated police corporal, loving husband, father, and proud grandfather, passed away on November 12, 2023, at the age of 72 in Sparrows Point, MD.

Rick spent his entire career serving the Baltimore County Police Department, where he was highly regarded for his 37 years of dedicated service. Rising through the ranks, Rick achieved the esteemed position of Corporal before his well-deserved retirement. His commitment to keeping his community safe has left a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals.

Outside of his distinguished career, Rick had a passion for exploration and adventure. He delighted in traveling and had the remarkable achievement of visiting 49 out of the 50 states. Whether casting a line on a serene fishing spot or immersing himself in the pages of a captivating novel, Rick found solace and joy in his hobbies. He had an endless thirst for knowledge and often impressed those around him with his unwavering brilliance in trivia.

Rick’s warm heart and caring nature extended to his family and friends. He treasured the time spent with his beloved wife, Charmaine Kline, sharing a lifetime of love and cherished memories. He was a devoted father to his daughters, Aubrey Ruffin and Nicole Kagle, and deeply loved by his sons-in-law, Keith Ruffin and Bob Kagle. Rick’s grandchildren, Morgan Kagle, Maison Kagle, Adriana Ruffin, and Jordan Ruffin, held a special place in his heart, and he took great pride in their accomplishments. Rick was also survived by his sister, Cheryl Trotta, and pre-deceased by his parents, Donald and Dorothy Kline, brothers Bradley and Roman Kline.

To honor Rick’s memory and celebrate his remarkable life, a Memorial Service will take place on November 25, 2023, at 3:00 pm at the Connelly Funeral Home of Dundalk, 7110 Sollers Point Rd. Prior to the service, friends and family are invited to attend the Memorial Gathering, which will be held at the same location starting at 2:00 pm. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations to be made to the Glioblastoma Foundation.

Rick’s legacy as an exceptional police officer, devoted family man, and avid explorer will forever be remembered by all who had the privilege of knowing him. His warm smile, kind heart, and generous spirit will forever be missed.

May his soul find eternal peace and may his loved ones find solace in the memories shared with him.


Donald "Rick" Kline


Obituary | Donald “Rick” Kline | Connelly Funeral Home of Dundalk

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