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Brother Howard Dobyski passed away on November 17, 2023.

Howard Dobyski, born on June 17, 1945, in Baltimore, Maryland, joined the ranks of BCoPD as a Cadet just a few months after his 18th birthday in September of 1963.  After 3 years at the Dundalk station, Howard started in the Academy on November 26, 1966. In 1967, the same year of graduation, Brother Dobyski tied the knot with his cherished wife and lifelong companion, Patricia, sharing 56 beautiful years of timeless devotion. His commitment extended beyond his professional life; he dedicated six years to the Air National Guard in Middle River, MD, demonstrating his loyalty to service. Brother Dobyski had spent the remainder of his career in patrol at the old Edgemere station until his early retirement on August 16, 1985.

Upon retirement, he briefly transitioned to part-time security work before following his heart’s calling back to the water where he found joy and fulfillment in his role with the tugboat service of a fellow retiree, relishing every moment navigating the waters he so dearly loved, and cherished moments aboard his boat, aptly named “Misschiff”, alongside his family and friends. Howard’s legacy lives on through the love he shared with his devoted wife, son, and daughter, and will be deeply missed.

Our sincere condolences to the Dobyski family.

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