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Brother Jimmy Pospisil passed away on November 17, 2023, at the age of 59.

Brother Pospisil embarked on his illustrious journey with the Baltimore County Police Department on March 3, 1987. Fresh from the Academy, Jimmy immersed himself in the streets of historic Dundalk, dedicating a decade to building trust and earning respect within the local community. Upon being reclassified as a Police Officer First Class in 1996, he transitioned to Precinct 9 White Marsh until February 16, 2004, when he relocated to Precinct 8 Parkville. Returning to White Marsh in May 2011, he continued his service on the east side of Baltimore County, enriching relationships, and building unbreakable bonds with his brothers and sisters in blue. His unwavering commitment spanned over 34 years until his well-deserved retirement on July 1, 2021.

A devoted family man, Jimmy cherished moments of camping and crabbing with his loved ones. His annual camping trips to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, alongside his extensive family, held a special place in his heart. Jimmy is survived by his adoring wife, Stacy, four children, three grandchildren, leaving behind a legacy of love and warmth that will forever resonate on the sandy shores of heaven.

A commemoration to honor James’ life is currently being arranged for all to attend to occur on Friday, December 1, 2023, at the American Legion Hall Post 38, located at 3300 Dundalk Avenue, Dundalk, MD 21222. Further specifics, including the exact time, will be communicated once details have been finalized.


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