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Mark Eugene Vahlkamp, 66, of Timonium, Maryland, passed away on October 8, 2023. He was born on May 1, 1957, in Miami, Florida.  Mark was known for his vibrant personality and sense of humor, always bringing a smile to everyone’s face. He had a knack for pranks and could recite plot lines from every movie or TV show he had ever seen. Mark was the type of person who never took himself or anyone else too seriously, always ready to stir the pot with an inappropriate comment.

Mark received his Bachelors in Criminal Justice and his Masters in Legal Studies from University of Baltimore and was a life-long officer in the Baltimore County Police Department.  He started at the academy in 1980 and retired after 35 years of service in 2015.  He worked in the Fullerton and Parkville precincts as well as Eastern Traffic where he developed a passion for traffic investigation becoming an Accident Reconstructionist and a Drug Recognition Expert.  Later he moved to the Training Division helping to form the Traffic Training Team sharing his expertise with recruits and seasoned officers in the county, the state, across the country, and internationally.  Beyond his traffic investigation skills he could also be counted on to keep everyone wherever he worked rolling on the floor at his antics.

In his off time, Mark liked to dabble in many hobbies.  Motorcycle adventurer (and crasher), boat captain, cigar aficionado, connoisseur of fine whiskey, and his beloved classic muscle cars–his Chevelle and Can Am.  Not all of these endeavors lasted long, but he was always willing to try something new.  Traveling to Maine and planning to someday make his home there was his driving force after retirement.

Mark is survived by his wife, Deborah Russell Vahlkamp, and their son, Douglas Mark Vahlkamp of Burke, Virginia, along with Douglas’ wife Sarah Holby Vahlkamp. He is also survived by his sister, Anne Teresa Winters of Annapolis, Maryland, and his sister Mary Elizabeth Miller and her husband Brian Miller of Southern Pines, North Carolina. Mark leaves behind numerous nieces and nephews who will cherish the memory of their fun-loving uncle and a wealth of friends who were his second family.

If you would like to honor Mark’s memory, the family suggests that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to benefit one of his favorite spots in Maine, the Nubble Light in York.  Support for the Nubble Light Endowment can be made via the Friends of Nubble (

Mark’s presence will be deeply missed by all who knew him, but his memory will live on through the laughter and joy he brought into the lives of those around him.

A Celebration of Life is scheduled for Sunday, October 29, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Sheraton Baltimore North, 903 Dulaney Valley Road, Towson, Maryland.  Casual attire.


Mark Eugene Vahlkamp

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