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Father of Retired Brother James Pospisil


Emmanuel “Manny” John Pospisil passed away peacefully on May 15, 2023 at the age of 83 at the Senator Bob Hooper House in Fallston, Maryland. Manny was born November 19, 1939 in Baltimore, Maryland, the son of Albert Pospisil and Mary Pospisil (Falkenhan).

Manny was a self-made renaissance man. He mastered several instruments ranging from the trombone with the Calvert Hall marching band to the accordion and keyboard to the delight of his friends and family. His model making and craftsmanship were first class as he built from scratch countless replicas of iconic fishing and sailing vessels from the Delmarva and model trains of every scale.

Having grown up east of Baltimore, Manny’s senses were tuned into all things ‘Chespeake Bay’. Manny met his wife Theresa as teenagers at their bayfront summer homes in Bowleys Quarters, MD, and together raised three children who fondly recall evening boat rides in their Boston Whaler, trotline crabbing, and ice skating along the frozen bay. Affectionately called Captain Manny, he loved his time on and in the water. As a certified scuba diver, Manny dove wrecks, served local precincts in rescue and recovery and trained new divers.

A proud and loyal employee of The Rouse Company for 25 years where he served as project manager and tenant coordinator, Manny’s knowledge of construction and passion for people made him a valued team member and leader of projects in dozens of cities from Baltimore to Honolulu.

Manny and Theresa enjoyed their retirement years in Havre de Grace, Maryland, and could often be found dining out or packing a picnic lunch at the park.

Manny was a founding member of the Mason Dixon Large Scale Railroad Society in BelAir, MD, bringing smiles and holiday cheer to young and old alike with his seasonal train layouts.

To know Manny was to experience his endless supply of colorful decades-old stories in which he recounted details of people, projects and moments as if they were yesterday.

Remaining to honor and cherish Manny’s memory are his beloved wife of 61 years, Theresa, and children, Stephen Pospisil (wife Valerie Pospisil), James Pospisil (wife Stacy Pospisil) and Karen Johnson (husband Drew Johnson). Seven grandchildren, Kelsey O’Planick, Chelsea Brown, Jillian LaPole, Bryce Pospisil, Sam Johnson, Blaine Pospisil, Luke Johnson; and five great grandchildren, Carter, Carley and Carson Brown, and Noah and Evelyn O’Planick.

Manny will be honored this summer with a beach-side celebration of life in Lewes, Delaware as well as a graveside service in Havre de Grace, Maryland, dates to be announced. Donations in Manny’s memory may be made to the Senator Bob Hooper House, the American Heart Association or the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.


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